Haunt [noun]

Definition of Haunt:

place for socializing

Synonyms of Haunt:

Opposite/Antonyms of Haunt:


Sentence/Example of Haunt:

It was when the face and figure of a great tragedian began to haunt her imagination and stir her senses.

Because Hartledon once had a flirtation with your daughter, does that give you leave to haunt him as if you were his double?

As he invariably left a note behind him promising to "be quiet about it," Isabel ceased to haunt his footsteps.

I really begin to fear that these drinking, if not drunken spirits, do haunt the "spirit-vaults."

Even the better sort of men who haunt our public-houses are glad to meet and talk with the poachers.

And a drop of poteen is a wonderful thing to drive away the melancholy thoughts that haunt and bother so many of us.

This itinerant merchant was commissioned to haunt the Kano gate until impatience or curiosity should fling it wide for him.

Dont you know how Cousin Nancy was always fussing because I would haunt the kitchen down there?

The thought began to haunt him, What if his power of earning were soon to cease?

Yet he continued to haunt my window, and seemed rejoiced whenever I deigned to notice him.