Headdress [noun]

Definition of Headdress:

accessory for head

Synonyms of Headdress:

Opposite/Antonyms of Headdress:


Sentence/Example of Headdress:

These were led by the Nizam, who were dressed entirely in black, except for the yellow, mitre-like headdress.

Why the ladies do not always give this beautiful headdress preference over ugly imported hats is a mystery to the masculine mind.

D'ye no think ye had best return this and get a woman with half her hair gray a little plainer headdress?

He then put on the headdress and his ornamental clothes and stood up and asked his woman how he appeared in them.

Each man wore a square-shaped headdress and all were chattering away with their peculiar guttural clicks.

Instantly one, who had a higher headdress and wore more ornaments than the rest, stepped forward and spoke excitedly.

The women had no hats, but a quaint linen headdress, with a long veil hanging from it and flowing over their shoulders.

The women wore little veils secured by combs, but rather as a headdress, and for appearances.

He had a vision of intense black hair swept about an enigmatic still smile, of an old gilt headdress.

Remember could distinguish the gaudy blanket, bright moccasins, and feather headdress of an Indian.