Headland [noun]

Definition of Headland:

high land area

Synonyms of Headland:

Opposite/Antonyms of Headland:


Sentence/Example of Headland:

Columbus, proceeding towards Cuba, named the headland Cabo de Cruz on this day.

As you know, this headland that we're on is called the Trwyn, and 'trwyn' simply means a nose or a promontory.

The night paled; the Trwyn light went out; and off the headland a seal disported itself in the icy sea.

To the south was a headland, which our skipper informed us was the north end of Amelia Island.

From the ancient fort on the headland to the Casa Blanca and the city beyond, it was a progression of delicious sights and sounds.

And one day as he paced the terrace with Williams, they saw her round the headland of Porto Venere.

He looked around him in the vain hope of recognizing some familiar headland.

For a time he retired to a hermitage on a headland by Arcachon, where miracles were quickly ascribed to him.

A dark object had rounded the sandy little headland, and was coming steadily towards her.

The caller pointed to the dim bulk of a small island which the cove held between the bold jaws of its headland.