Heelers [noun]

Definition of Heelers:

farm fowl

Synonyms of Heelers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Heelers:


Sentence/Example of Heelers:

Every "boss" has what are termed "heelers," one function of whom is to buy votes and do other work in the interest of "reform."

Under no previous Boss had Tammany's heelers enjoyed such vast opportunities for "business."

I soon became on good terms with a number of the ordinary "heelers" and even some of the minor leaders.

It is inclosed with a railing which keeps off the spectators; none but the handlers and heelers being admitted withinside.

The fellow impersonated one of his heelers, took the civil-service examination in the heeler's name, and got the position for him.

But the patriotism of some of these ward heelers is pretty thin.

The heelers were pretty savage, but that made no difference to him.

If he ever bothers you, or any of his ward-heelers try to make the least trouble for you, let me know.

It was said that what the ward-heelers and camp-followers got out of him in campaign times made the political managers cry.

Three Tammany heelers thereupon punched Mr. Rosalskys face for him.