Hinterland [noun]

Definition of Hinterland:


Synonyms of Hinterland:

Opposite/Antonyms of Hinterland:

Sentence/Example of Hinterland:

Not much use as the high crests hid the intervening hinterland from view, even from the crow's nests.

From the hinterland in a vast solid stream the ice flowed, with heavily crevassed downfalls near the coast.

As the ice of the hinterland moves forward, it plucks fragments from the rocky floor.

There was no mark by which to steer, except a "water-sky" to the north, the hinterland being clouded over.

This vast block of ice originates fundamentally from the glacial flow over the southern hinterland.

He jumped up, and the cart rattled off through the mud, crossed the bridge, and disappeared into the dreary hinterland.

No stream boasted so deep and decisive a blue lintel as did Benser Tief; none penetrated so far into the Hinterland.

Dane guessed that the dusky adventurer had not learned to reverse arms in the service of any hinterland Emir.

There is not an important tribe of people in all that hinterland of India that has not been drafted in from somewhere.

They dwelt in some hinterland of life where God's gracious decrees do not run.