Hogans [noun]

Definition of Hogans:

portable canvas shelter

Synonyms of Hogans:

Opposite/Antonyms of Hogans:


Sentence/Example of Hogans:

First off, some of us boys went over to that real-estate hogan–and found the door open and the place stripped.

I don't know annything that requires what Hogan calls th' exercise iv manly vigor more thin votin'.

Annyhow, as Hogan says, I care not who casts th' votes iv me counthry so long as we can hold th' offices.

Hogan is th' happyest man in th' wurruld about to-day but to-morrah something is goin' to happen.

There's th' divvle to pay all along th' levee fr'm Manchurya to Madagascar, accordin' to Hogan.

They'd talk be th' hour about th' beauties iv what Hogan called th' Flowery Kingdom.

About th' time Hogan got th' flower-pot, th' fire-sale ads an' th' Rooshyan outrage news both stopped in th' newspa-apers.

That night, in ordher to help on th' cause, Hogan bought a blue flower-pot fr'm th' Prince's collection f'r eighteen dollars.

They get to be judges because they have what Hogan calls th' joodicyal timp'ramint, which is why annybody gets a job.

Ye br-reak into Hogan's house some night sufferin' fr'm an incontrollable impulse to take his watch.