Housecoat [noun]

Definition of Housecoat:

gown, often for wearing at home

Synonyms of Housecoat:

Opposite/Antonyms of Housecoat:


Sentence/Example of Housecoat:

She was lying on a couch, wearing a housecoat, and didn't look up from the magazine in front of her.

She was wearing a gay housecoat of Betty's, too tight in just the right places.

Her hair was uncombed and she wore a brilliant red housecoat.

Unshaven, in a housecoat and bare feet, with long toenails and red eyes.

He was tall and fit and muscular, his brown calves flashing through the vent of his housecoat.

As his eyes swam back into focus, he saw Mimi standing beside Krishna, barefoot in a faded housecoat.

If we had had any idea—but anyway, she came to the door and she had her housecoat on and she had marks on her face.

It was a softly pudgy woman with excessively blonde hair, a greasily red-lipped smile and a flowered housecoat.

The woman in the flowered housecoat looked enormously flattered.

Moira, gleaming sweatily in a flowered housecoat, was lighting a cigarette.