Humanism [noun]

Definition of Humanism:

ideas, values of a people

Synonyms of Humanism:

Opposite/Antonyms of Humanism:


Sentence/Example of Humanism:

There are two radical differences between Humanism and Christianity.

Humanism concerns itself solely with Man, so that Man is its first and last care.

Even Chaucer is not so complete in his humanism, his love of all sorts and conditions of men.

It is only possible for the rational gospel of humanism, the great religion of natural sympathy, to heal the breach.

The opponents of humanism are wrong to combat antiquity as well; for in antiquity they have a strong ally.

It is, however, not within the province of this book to enter upon a discussion of the philosophy of Humanism.

Something happens to one who grasps the meaning of humanism; he becomes self-conscious in a new way.

Yet where should humanism find more zealous friends than in that very place, among the heads of the Church?

To brave him, Eberbach turned the conversation to humanism, its redeeming power over minds, and its despicable foes.

And as for the ages of Humanism and the Renaissance, our moralists would have been submerged in laughter.