Idiot [noun]
Definition of Idiot:
very stupid person
Synonyms of Idiot:
● Fool
● Jerk
● Twit
● Nitwit
● Stupid
● Moron
● Kook
● Bonehead
● Dumbbell
● Dunce
● Imbecile
● Ninny
● Tomfool
● Pinhead
● Cretin
● Dimwit
● Dork
Sentence/Example of Idiot:
If he says he’d much rather see you having sex with your ex, he’s an idiot.
The only way you become not an idiot is learning why you were an idiot.
I mean, when I hear the word “Dad,” what that means is, I’m an idiot.
He’s our unquestioned leader and, you know, we’re not idiots.
So I wanted them to see a more human aspect of me, and not just that I’m some idiot doing things that they don’t agree with.
Bradford argues persuasively that Highsmith never intended to marry Brandel and thought her analyst was an idiot.
I felt sorry for the idiots I saw on my daily park loop who were still caught in the cushioning-is-necessary matrix.
Richard Walker, who said he’s known Bry since graduate school, said bluntly that people “would be idiots if they didn’t vote for her.”
I would vote for Captain Crunch year after year, over any of these idiots.
I mean, you all know one another well enough that only an idiot could screw this up.