Ignorable [adjective]

Definition of Ignorable:

able to be overlooked

Synonyms of Ignorable:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ignorable:

Sentence/Example of Ignorable:

High-quality emails get read and are hardly ignored even if they are cold emails.

If you are concerned that you have bad links pointing to your site that may end up hurting your site’s performance in Google Search, you can give Google a list of URLs or domains you would like Google to ignore.

As Person 3 just seems to be along for the ride, Miss Manners gives permission to ignore him.

If you ignore this step, you can run into issues with the performance of your site.

In 1984, staff writer Carol Sugarman noted that “a meatless Thanksgiving needn’t ignore traditional holiday flavors or colors, and can certainly be as festive a menu as one with a main course of poultry.”

Shindig allows guests to have private conversations by clicking on anyone’s head as they float around — which allows them to “work the room” and ignore the speeches, just like at an in-person party.

A GOP-controlled Senate will continue to ignore the liberal legislation moved out of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House.

First, Republicans ignored most of the members who'd lost their 2018 races, many of whom were caught flat-footed by Democratic recruitment and fundraising.

Stock prices are ignoring the Perilous Three, and the Perilous Fourth, those gigantic valuations.

We try to pass our wisdom on to a younger generation, who mostly ignores us, because they tend to take advice from their own generation, just as we did when we were younger.