Implications [noun]

Definition of Implications:

association, suggestion

Synonyms of Implications:

Opposite/Antonyms of Implications:

Sentence/Example of Implications:

What’s more, the IT giant reckons the experiment could have big implications for data centers on dry land, too.

How Tenet, Mulan, and I’m Thinking of Ending Things perform has broad implications for the future.

The answers to that question are emerging, and they carry implications both for endangered species and our own household pets.

The implications for small businesses, in particular, are huge.

The loss of this data could have real financial implications for advertisers.

Scientists all over the world have spent a lot of time and money actively trying to generate neurons in the lab—the implications for neurodegenerative disease would be massive.

Lakshmi Kommi, the city’s debt management director, told VOSD the city doesn’t expect significant market implications in response to its decision not to pay rent because the decision has not been made as a result of financial challenges.

The researchers’ findings have several implications for any future coronavirus vaccination program.

The outcome will also have implications for an increasingly interconnected global economy.

There’s simply no business implications for “tell it when I see it” concept.