Impudent [adjective]

Definition of Impudent:

bold, shameless

Synonyms of Impudent:

Opposite/Antonyms of Impudent:

Sentence/Example of Impudent:

“It means, my dear, that the Dragoons and the 60th will have to teach these impudent rebels a much-needed lesson,” said her uncle.

Aristide, aglow with a sudden impudent inspiration, leant across the marble table.

Impudent and reckless us he had been all his life, he was now more timid and nervous than an hysterical girl.

Amy actually almost fell out of the window again, and stuck out her tongue like an impudent urchin.

And you will find some of the greatest rascals and most impudent liars in the "Synagogues and High Places" of the cities.

Ruth was neither impudent nor hardened; she was ignorant enough, and might offend from knowing no better.

Her human steed, turning round for an impudent and good-natured stare, drawled out an unprintable remark.

"He's an impudent thing," and again she relapsed into silence, just when he thought his pleasure was going to be complete.

That reflection led to another of a very impudent nature; viz.

Then it was that the insular propensity grew impudent and headstrong, and soon became a power in the land.