Incivilities [noun]

Definition of Incivilities:


Synonyms of Incivilities:

Opposite/Antonyms of Incivilities:

Sentence/Example of Incivilities:

Reinforce values such as honesty, kindness and respect A few of my students found the first presidential debate jarring and wanted to talk about the incivility.

Nothing will rebuke incivility in another so surely as perfect courtesy in your own manner.

Mrs. Berlinton listened, for she was incapable of incivility; though, weary and disgusted, she seldom made the smallest answer.

He behaved with almost equal incivility to the Princesse de Polignac, the obscurity of whose English origin was an offence to him.

An excellent friend of mine lays it down as a maxim, that habitual unpunctuality is positive incivility.

The incivility of mine adversaries was reproved; but my more heinous outrage was judged worthy of imprisonment.

Of course I found it easy to come into magnetic relation with him, and to ask him without incivility what he was fighting for.

The candid incivility of the coachman, who does not touch his hat to you, but swears at you, has the vague charm of reminiscence.

She was interested in the young man in spite of his incivility.

But Mrs. Dares did not seem to detect the least incivility in Pauline's amazement.