Indecencies [noun]

Definition of Indecencies:

obscenity, vulgarity

Synonyms of Indecencies:

Opposite/Antonyms of Indecencies:

Sentence/Example of Indecencies:

I am of opinion too, that the Indecency of the next Verse, you spill upon me, would admit of an equal Correction.

In the first place, one element of public-house talk—the overt or sly indecency—is left out.

Acts of indecency had occurred long before they went to the post-primary school.

There is seldom, if ever, any grossness in these spontaneous songs of the people—never indecency or double meaning.

These Lyrical Pieces, after all, are only a few smooth songs, where wit is sufficiently overbalanced by indecency.

The question of verbal indecency or grossness has really very little to do with the matter.

To deride the demand for decency is to concede that anything but indecency is impracticable.

Sternes too celebrated indecency, is, with one exception, sui generis.

No doubt much nonsense has been and is talked about indecency in general literature.

The Creator is explicitly prayed to, and implicitly convicted of indecency every day.