Induced [adjective]

Definition of Induced:


Synonyms of Induced:

Opposite/Antonyms of Induced:


Sentence/Example of Induced:

Human-induced fires account for the majority of the fires—95%.

They have crafted a novel genetic technique to induce each palm oil tree to produce more fruit, containing more of the precious oil.

Last month, Netea and a team of researchers in Germany, Denmark, Australia and the Netherlands published the results of their research into how the BCG vaccine induces trained immunity.

The purpose of a phase three trial is to assess whether this vaccine-induced immune response is strong enough to actually protect people from Covid-19.

By inducing uncomfortable behavior out of whoever they’re lined up against, this five-man unit creates the type of questions that are difficult to solve in a seven-game series.

Both women were part of recent pandemic-induced mass layoffs.

The pandemic-induced downturn may have slowed demand for Facebook’s ads, but it also accelerated the platform’s long-running ambitions for commerce.

Almost everyone I know is going stir crazy from pandemic-induced cabin fever.

If the first wave of pandemic-induced labor cuts from agencies were about survival in a sharp economic downturn, then the next wave is about how agencies set themselves up to thrive during and after it.

Many agency employees are among those parents and the prospect of juggling distance learning for their children with day-to-day work tasks once again is anxiety inducing.