Inducement [noun]

Definition of Inducement:

incentive, motive

Synonyms of Inducement:

Opposite/Antonyms of Inducement:

Sentence/Example of Inducement:

Shah is a master at making opposition legislators switch sides through inducements and intimidation, and thereby flipping elected state governments.

Being $200,000 in debt can be a powerful inducement to say yes when Big Pharma and the medical device industry come calling.

Since these attacks are typically highly targeted—involving research and tailor-made inducements, unlike automated, “spray-and-pray”-style spam campaigns—any increase means hackers are deliberately working overtime.

It is to be feared that the attractions of the house-dinner were not the sole inducement to many of those sitting there.

"Quite an inducement for me to know her, I'm sure," observed Miss Jane, dryly.

Its wealth and stability were also an additional inducement to the kings in granting to the towns their firma burgi.

They were offered every inducement to desert,—heavy bribes, and promotion in a new service,—but they refused them all.

An invitation from Prince Radziwill was the inducement that led him to quit the paternal roof so soon after his return to it.

There is no inducement to admit a pupil for the sake of the tuition fees, or for the purpose of adding to the number of scholars.

Which indeed was the first real sanction, and has all along been my inducement and encouragement, to study his life and him.