Inhalation [noun]

Definition of Inhalation:

assimilation, incorporation

Synonyms of Inhalation:

Opposite/Antonyms of Inhalation:

Sentence/Example of Inhalation:

In other indoor settings that allow constant mask-wearing, the inhalation of these particles can often be prevented or limited by the use of a high-quality mask.

The victim was taken to a hospital with smoke inhalation and burn injuries, according to fire officials.

Deep inhalation is more likely to occur with heavy, open-mouth breathing—like during exercise.

Such being the adjustment, the philosophy of the inhalation may be easily understood.

The moisture gives mildness to the tobacco, but renders inhalation so difficult that weak lungs are unfitted to bear it.

The inhalation of from five to ten drops of chloroform is an excellent expedient in some instances.

The child was expelled in twenty-five minutes after the inhalation was begun.

The child was expelled in about fifteen minutes after the inhalation was commenced.

Indeed, it was only at each inhalation that so much stood out upon the surrounding screen of impenetrable blackness.

Usually by inhalation; 45—75 ♏, evaporated spontaneously in room.