Inland [adjective]

Definition of Inland:


Synonyms of Inland:

Opposite/Antonyms of Inland:

Sentence/Example of Inland:

Once the shoreline of a great inland sea, the sandstone here is roughly 320 million years old and reaches four miles below the surface.

That probably means we’ll have to rethink the system, rip infrastructure out of the ground and move it inland where it’s safe from waves.

The situation is worse in southwestern and inland northwestern states.

The Abenaki people, who have migrated between this coast and inland Maine for thousands of years, share their continuing story at the Abbe Museum, which has a location both inside and outside the park.

Conservationists are also worried about Pakistan’s inland waterways project, under which the Indus is to be developed for goods transportation by giant vessels.

David Ige suggested coastal property owners needed to adapt to the realities of climate change by moving inland.

Just as putting up a seawall can damage the beach in front of one’s neighbor’s house, removing the wall can also cause a neighbor’s lot to be undermined as the ocean pushes farther inland.

Climate change will only exacerbate the physical living conditions for those unfairly pushed into hotter inland areas in the future.

Coastal soil, therefore, is far richer in iodine than soil inland, and plants grown near the coasts have higher iodine levels.

Knowing an inland track was a possibility, we were conservative with our initial forecasts for how much snow might fall.