insidious [adjective]

Definition of insidious:

Proceeding in a gradual, subtle, or stealthy manner, especially in a harmful way.

Synonyms of insidious:

Opposite/Antonyms of insidious:

Sentence/Example of insidious:

The insidious rumor spread through the town like wildfire.

The disease was insidious and progressed slowly without symptoms.

The politician's insidious tactics gained him power.

The insidious influence of the cult leader controlled his followers.

The insidious nature of the problem made it difficult to solve.

The insidious plot was carried out over many years.

The insidious propaganda undermined the government.

The insidious effects of pollution are becoming increasingly apparent.

The insidious nature of the virus made it difficult to contain.

The insidious gossip destroyed the woman's reputation.

The insidious plan to steal the money was carefully executed.

The insidious influence of the cult leader brainwashed his followers.

The insidious nature of the disease made it difficult to diagnose.

The insidious propaganda was designed to manipulate public opinion.

The insidious effects of climate change are being felt around the world.

The insidious rumor spread quickly through social media.

The insidious plan to sabotage the election was discovered.

The insidious nature of the problem required a long-term solution.

The insidious influence of the peer pressure led to the teenager's downfall.

The insidious effects of the drug addiction were devastating.