Intensifies [verb]

Definition of Intensifies:

make more forceful, severe

Synonyms of Intensifies:

Opposite/Antonyms of Intensifies:

Sentence/Example of Intensifies:

Her militancy intensified during her complex relationship with Walter Heaton, a married, British, self-described revolutionary socialist to whom she gave a lot of money.

Some experts lauded the idea of shifting to remote learning, saying the pandemic has intensified.

As covid-19 surges nationwide, the debate over school reopening has intensified.

It’s a trend that may well intensify as Apple silicon ushers in the next era of Macs.

Courtship behaviors begin in January or February, when hormones intensify the owls' calling and give it an amorous spin.

Health officials fear the coronavirus crisis will intensify further going into the flu season.

As the conversations around diversity in media intensified, Sifton was pushed to address the food section’s overwhelming whiteness.

That’s why it’s important to intensify your social distancing efforts both before and after you get a test.

This change has been happening since the mid-2000s and has intensified during the past decade, according to reporting by ProPublica and The Washington Post.

Higher ocean temperatures also make hurricanes more likely to intensify rapidly, catching forecasters and communities off guard.