Intents [noun]

Definition of Intents:

aim, purpose

Synonyms of Intents:

Opposite/Antonyms of Intents:


Sentence/Example of Intents:

Courthorne's land was mine to all intents and purposes before it was his, and now it reverts to me.

To all intents and appearances, Roderick Hoff had dropped off the earth on or about April twelfth.

The Chinese quarter is to all intents and purposes a Chinese city.

They call these great creatures eagle-hawks, but they are wholly eagles, to all intents and purposes.

It is a story to all intents and purposes without a woman in it: or, if that is saying too much, certainly without a heroine.

To all intents and purposes the powers of the Chamberlain are exercised by a gentleman who is styled the Examiner of Plays.

To all intents and purposes the life of the boys had been that of brothers, while that of their fathers had been much the same.

Thomas Sims was declared "a chattel personal to all intents, uses, and purposes whatsoever."

Had that control been from within, the Negro would have been reenslaved, to all intents and purposes.

They come:—assist me In these my undertakings, Love's great patron, As my intents are honest!