Intestinal [adjective]

Definition of Intestinal:


Synonyms of Intestinal:

Opposite/Antonyms of Intestinal:


Sentence/Example of Intestinal:

Research suggests that it’s extraordinarily cost effective to benefit children by treating them for malaria and intestinal parasites, and that many programs fail to do as much good as just giving people money.

Diminished hydrochloric acid favors intestinal putrefaction.

Excess of any of these structures may result from excessive ingestion or deficient intestinal digestion.

A Gram-positive stool due to cocci is suggestive of intestinal ulceration.

Charcot-Leyden crystals (Fig. 6) are not infrequently encountered, and strongly suggest the presence of intestinal parasites.

It is widely distributed geographically, and is one of the most common of intestinal parasites in this country.

Hence, we must conclude that it is without effect on the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane.

Nascher, however, took 15 grains, and no symptoms of gastro-intestinal disturbance followed.

A shorter treatise of Alexander is with regard to intestinal parasites.

Our return to thymol for intestinal parasites is interesting.