Involving [verb]

Definition of Involving:

draw in; include

Synonyms of Involving:

Opposite/Antonyms of Involving:

Sentence/Example of Involving:

“I’m not entirely surprised that Apple would be involved in trying to water down legislation that concerns protection of human rights in China,” said Maya Wang, a China researcher at Human Rights Watch.

It said grand jury records are court records — not Justice Department records — and have historically been released to Congress in the course of impeachment investigations involving three federal judges and two presidents.

While most of Snyder’s attempts to obtain records from these people remain in progress, the one involving Blair recently was completed.

Scooter and e-bike riders in the District could soon have a greater chance of collecting damages when they are involved in collisions with vehicles.

A best-case scenario for Minnesota might involve trading back a few slots and adding a rotation piece to a young and thin roster.

Jones, a member of the Blackfeet Nation, conjures a revenge story involving friends who are haunted by a supernatural entity.

Her first big case involves the middle-aged American of the title, who travels to Ghana to track down whoever swindled him out of $4,000 in an Internet scam.

The FAA took cues from its key foreign counterparts, who were heavily involved in efforts to reexamine the plane’s critical systems and the safety assumptions that went into them.

That followed criticism, most notably from the Government Accountability Office, that the FDA had not been sufficiently transparent in disclosing the data used to decide whether to grant or revoke authorizations involving coronavirus treatments.

Eight officers were involved, five of whom fired their weapons, according to Julie Wright, a Prince George’s police spokeswoman.