Invulnerability [noun]

Definition of Invulnerability:

care, guardianship

Synonyms of Invulnerability:

Opposite/Antonyms of Invulnerability:

Sentence/Example of Invulnerability:

Just because you got a Covid-19 vaccine doesn’t mean you’re invulnerable to reckless behavior.

The ongoing issue goes to show that even a spacecraft as well designed and protected as the ISS is not invulnerable.

On the fourth night the shaman gives to each man a small charmed root which has the power to confer invulnerability.

Even Turnbull, with his typical invulnerability, was a little taken aback by this boisterous and almost brutal hospitality.

One should ensure its wearer continual health and strength, invulnerability, insensibility to pain.

She must above all retain for that possible day her most charming tranquillity, all her invulnerability, all her inviolability.

Did he suspect, behind this wall of invulnerability, the ironical feminine secrecy of her silently smouldering inner life?

As an instance we may take his invulnerability, a feature which is peculiar to the German version of the story.

His yogic power was such that he either could will them not to bite, or could escape to an inner invulnerability.

It is indicated by a figure intended to represent a flying bullet, referring to his claim of invulnerability.