Judiciousnesses [noun]

Definition of Judiciousnesses:


Synonyms of Judiciousnesses:

Opposite/Antonyms of Judiciousnesses:

Sentence/Example of Judiciousnesses:

He meant well, of that there is no doubt, but as to his judiciousness in the matter, that is another affair altogether.

I have not the judiciousness, nor the experience, nor the success in the inner life myself that would justify me.

Men of strong principles, judiciousness, sobriety, should have been carefully sought as members.

The judiciousness of careful measurement for the centre, instead of relying on the joint line, will therefore be obvious.

She has a pleasing little voice which she uses with utmost judiciousness.

He combines true self-respect with true humility, and rare judiciousness with great moral courage.

He listened to my details with seeming attention, and commented on them with some judiciousness.

Here the august Cirfea might with all judiciousness have written “Finis” with her golden pen to this amazing history.

The speculator in horses had been at Fraser River, and returned convinced of the judiciousness of his ‘spec.’

Mother had lost some of her spring, but she had developed judiciousness, and a fine eye for country.