Jukeboxes [noun]

Definition of Jukeboxes:

device playing music

Synonyms of Jukeboxes:

Opposite/Antonyms of Jukeboxes:


Sentence/Example of Jukeboxes:

Pizza Hut ripped out its jukeboxes, changed its logo, went off to the fast-food wars, and ain’t been the same since.

Thoughtfully sipping my beer I heard him dial and report a jukebox out of order.

While Harry was drawing the beer I walked string straight to the jukebox, clicked in a quarter, and stalked back to the barstool.

I told her the jukebox and the television set were out of commission and there'd be no noise she didn't make herself.

At Art's that night I listened with envy to the words that were used over the telephone when the jukebox gave up its ghost.

He pushed in through the outer and inner doors, and he heard the burst of music from the jukebox.