Ketch [noun]

Definition of Ketch:

a boat propelled with wind by sailcloth

Synonyms of Ketch:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ketch:


Sentence/Example of Ketch:

Blamed if Matt didn't ketch the leader o' the gang without never knowin' it.

They's times when I git mad and it all looks to be her fault, and then I ketch my own self startin' some hectorin' meanness.

We sometimes had prayermeetin' anyhow in de cabins but we'd turn down de big pot front o' de door ter ketch de noise.

I 'member seein' Henry High, my first cousin, ketch a pike once, but I never done no fishin' or huntin'.

But you don't ketch me comin' over to no more cathedrils, and wastin' time and money all for nuthink—that's all!

The birds an' flyin' things are jest as busy as the hand o' man, if ye know how to ketch 'em at it.

Mebbe nobody won't ketch ye this time,—you better melt the tea-set up soon as ever you can,—but some time they will.

When I ketch one of him, I kicks a hole in his trousers first, and then it occurs to me, 'My sufferin' brother!

I hear talk dat de Moon'll bite at a hook ef you take fools fer baits, en I lay dat 's de onliest way fer ter ketch 'er,' sezee.

Pain yer, en a ketch yander, wid de cramps th'ow'd in, aint no mo' dan ole folks kin 'speck.