Kneading [verb]

Definition of Kneading:

mix by pressing

Synonyms of Kneading:

Opposite/Antonyms of Kneading:

Sentence/Example of Kneading:

It is obtained by placing a quantity of wheat flour in a bag, and kneading it under a gentle stream of water.

Accordingly, when the fight started, I made myself comfortable, just as I do when I am kneading dough.

After a long time he knew it was the cook, who was kindly kneading his limbs and knuckling his hair.

I am like some frantic baker in the inferno kneading a batch of iron bread for the devil's breakfast.

One of them is a woman kneading bread; another is a black boy sitting on a pony, with a basket of fruit in front of him.

There was an old adage to the effect that some imaginary substance called elbow grease was necessary in kneading bread.

No; you cannot create character by kneading your clay into all sorts of weird concavities and convexities.

Kneading develops the gluten in the flour and helps to hold in the fat thus making the paste easier to handle.

I soon became interested watching a young girl who was busily engaged kneading bread.

On his chest stood Satan, kneading the bedclothes with his front paws and purring gently.