Lamer [adjective]

Definition of Lamer:

unable to walk properly

Synonyms of Lamer:

Opposite/Antonyms of Lamer:

Sentence/Example of Lamer:

In recent weeks, the lame-duck president has issued a rapid flurry of pardons to allies, friends and fellow Republicans, including full pardons to some who pleaded guilty to lying to federal law enforcement during the Russia investigation.

The analysis does not consider reelections or transitions between leaders within the same party, because the risk of anti-democratic actions or abuses of lame-duck power in those scenarios is relatively low.

While not a huge shift, this is the opposite of what typically happens in the lame-duck period.

Facebook apps make lame promises like this in exchange for access to the scads of personal information that Facebook already collects about you.

My head feels quite lame from so much practicing, the consequence, I suppose, of so much listening.

Next morning the hero of Wagram, lame from the effect of a kick from his horse, was summoned before the Emperor.

His donkey had gone lame, he abandoned it to the boys behind, he climbed in to drive with Lettice.

As she turned the corner, a lame child in a calico dress and torn hood staggered past her bent with the weight of a heavy basket.

Some one must have noticed that they were more apt to be lame after sitting on the cold ground while they were warm.

Miss Barrington's horse fell lame coming from one of the farms, which accounts for her passing here so late.