Leggin [noun]

Definition of Leggin:


Synonyms of Leggin:

Opposite/Antonyms of Leggin:


Sentence/Example of Leggin:

Between the two of us we choked her hold loose, but she brought Jones' leather leggin in her teeth.

The loose end of his leggin was caught in the wires of the empennage.

Below this they wear a leggin of fine fur neatly wrought with shells of various kinds and colors.

See the goney, how his pencil is a leggin' it off, for dear life.

Louie's the gent in the leather leggin's and north-pole outfit that comes around after Mr. Robert every night with the machine.

On killing the second enemy he paints his left leg (that is, the leggin) of a reddish-brown.

The leggin is a buckskin or cloth covering for the leg and thigh, as of the pantaloon.

Well, sometimes—it was owing to the crime—but sometimes they would put it up to about twenty licks with the leggin's.

Them along of 'im—with the red shoulder-straps and brown leather leggin's, they're cav'l'ry Orficers o' the Staff, they are.

De wimmins wore linsey-woolsey dresses an' long leggin's lak de sojers wear.