Lesion [noun]

Definition of Lesion:

injury, wound

Synonyms of Lesion:

Opposite/Antonyms of Lesion:


Sentence/Example of Lesion:

Miller also presented a medical report diagnosing Donald with a brain injury, including an MRI showing lesions in her brain and interviews with family who said her personality had changed.

Later imaging on folks who reported sensing paranormal shadows in the past found many had lesions in that exact area of gray matter, affecting its normal functioning.

Ginsburg announced in July that she was undergoing chemotherapy treatment for lesions on her liver, the latest of her several battles with cancer.

Bettylee Hampil noticed that brain lesions had begun to appear at higher levels than those allowed by the FDA.

Written records from more than 3,000 years ago have documented smallpox-like symptoms, and scientists have identified possible smallpox skin lesions on mummified remains.

By this is meant in persons who have some organic lesion of the valvular mechanism of the heart.

He says nothing of de Mussy's recognition of the urticarial nature of the lesion in hay fever.

With a slant towards the head, the cerebral ganglia are wounded and their lesion causes sudden death.

Any local reaction at the site of inoculation and any other readily accessible lesion should be carefully investigated.

Before operation is decided on, the site of the lesion must be determined.