Linkages [noun]

Definition of Linkages:


Synonyms of Linkages:

Opposite/Antonyms of Linkages:

Sentence/Example of Linkages:

Scientists have now used drones to transmit particles of light, or photons, that share the quantum linkage called entanglement.

For instance, it’ll tweak the linkage and the power going to the wheels so the tires grip better on uneven terrain.

Stockholm designer Daniele Tottle loved the consistency and visual linkage of all the apps.

The linkages between pollution, public health, and racial inequality are clear.

Well, with the direct linkage of minds the work should go faster.

When she was finished Rynason nodded for her to activate the linkage.

Now comes this horrible linkage with a miserable brute to either shock and confound him or to degrade him.

Morgan assumes that this exchange accounts for certain deviations in the ratio of linkage.

According to the chromosome theory linkage should occur only when factors lie in the same chromosome.

I don't think of myself as Homer and my Challon identification is a mental-verbal linkage.