Loftiest [adjective]

Definition of Loftiest:


Synonyms of Loftiest:

Opposite/Antonyms of Loftiest:


Sentence/Example of Loftiest:

Their presence of mind had now returned, and their bosoms glowed with the loftiest enthusiasm.

Both were endowed with unusual attractions of person, spirits invigorated by enthusiasm, and the loftiest heroism.

The meanest hind was ennobled by the accolade of martyrdom to the loftiest peerage of the skies.

The loftiest pagan philosophy dwindled into insignificance before the sublimity of Christian hope.

It spoke to the deepest feelings, and inspired the loftiest hopes of the primitive believers.

Surely in the sight of God it was like the cup of cold water which counterbalances the loftiest virtues.

And yet this good man, a pattern to the loftiest characters of his age, strangled himself.

It was the ladder by which he would ascend to the loftiest regions of knowledge and of happiness.

Their speculations pertained to the loftiest subjects that ever tasked the intellect of man.

All the orations of Demosthenes exhibit him as a pure and noble patriot, and are full of the loftiest sentiments.