Longest [adjective]

Definition of Longest:

extended in space or time

Synonyms of Longest:

Opposite/Antonyms of Longest:

Sentence/Example of Longest:

All please noteHis wondrous height and girth; He has the longest legs and throatOf anything on earth.

Old feuds were settled in the old way and six inches of steel were more potent than the longest Order in Council.

Then the general started out to secure the longest and heaviest pair of cavalry sabres he could find in Rome.

On the Great Western line the longest is the Box tunnel, 3,123 yards in length.

He who keeps up such entertainment longest and kills most of the said animals is most respected.

The Cozadores (huntsmen) are the longest, and the Trabucos (blunderbusses) the fattest.

Both sides settled down to steady hard pounding, and it remained to be seen which would pound the hardest and the longest.

But the longest red-letter day has its ending, and time and tide beckon one with the brutality of an impatient jailer.

Party spirit ran high; and the contests were among the fiercest and the longest of which there is any record in our history.

It was perhaps never so true as it is today that, as in law so in war, the longest purse finally wins.