Lore [noun]

Definition of Lore:

myths, traditional wisdom

Synonyms of Lore:

Opposite/Antonyms of Lore:

Sentence/Example of Lore:

My friends and I practiced our favorite moves at recess, hummed the opening songs of our favorite characters and discussed in great detail, like scholars at the Library of Pergamum, the lore and dramaturgy of the wrestlers we admired.

In lore and literature, the Kraken capsized, dismantled and swallowed galleons of seafarers.

Toa Dunn, head of Riot Music Group, said they write music that “makes sense” for the characters and the lore.

A college where she had accepted a job teaching botany had withdrawn the offer before she could arrive, according to family lore.

Despite coming out to the Bay Area for college, I had very little idea of the history and lore of Silicon Valley.

So unique is this formation that Indian lore relates that it was referred to as "the Bridge of God."

The poet was doubtless led into this error by his desire to preserve all the legends and superstitious lore of Provence.

But he had neither the gentle troubadour's art, as the knights of Provence, nor the deeper lore of the Spaniard.

The Professor had all sorts of strange lore, which he used, in his conversations with Hadria, almost as a fisherman uses his bait.

Miss Farnham had saved Mr. Mountcastle's life, and in novel-lore this romantic incident always led up to love and marriage.