Mangels [noun]

Definition of Mangels:


Synonyms of Mangels:

Opposite/Antonyms of Mangels:


Sentence/Example of Mangels:

Mangels are fed by splitting in halves and sticking to nails driven in the wall.

The bulbs store better than Swedes, and, according to some farmers, keep even better than mangels.

Would rape cake and the other thing help my flowers at all, or is it only for the mangels?

Such a crop as mangels removes more than six times as much potash from the soil as the cereals.

Mangels are, from their deeper roots, more capable of drawing their supply of phosphoric acid from the soil than turnips.

Mangels remove slightly more, and turnips slightly less, than double the amount removed by cereals.

On the other hand, many are of the opinion that mangels seem to be able to benefit from large applications of farmyard manure.

On mangels, along with other manures, it has also been found to have a very favourable effect.

This is especially the case with regard to mangels, which make particularly large demands on a soil's fertilising ingredients.

Two-thirds of the winter rations may consist of mangels or alfalfa hay—the other third being grain or swill.