Masquerade [noun]

Definition of Masquerade:

disguise; social occasion for disguises

Synonyms of Masquerade:

Opposite/Antonyms of Masquerade:

Sentence/Example of Masquerade:

And it was my fate to hear all this last night at the masquerade.

Tell me the meaning of this masquerade; and why you have attempted so desperate an adventure?

Whatever the motive for his masquerade, it was not to attract anything feminine.

Are you dressed for a masquerade, and is this a time to go masked?

And then too, Madame, we must try to help Cléonte's plan by supporting his masquerade.

The second scene being the masquerade, I had time to collect myself.

De Courcy is tired of the masquerade, and Sylvia is tired of seeing it.

For a mere folly, a masquerade, a little thing that he could not let go.

We couldn't get her to come out to the masquerade, where it would have been easy.

She did not have the slightest idea who her partner was, but then that is the fun of a masquerade.