Matchless [adjective]

Definition of Matchless:

unequalled, unique

Synonyms of Matchless:

Opposite/Antonyms of Matchless:

Sentence/Example of Matchless:

The horrid thing reserves for us most 147 cruel and matchless rigours.

We have soldiers, few perhaps, but matchless throughout the world.

He lays claim to nothing that his matchless vision has not made his own.

What weather these Napoleons had, from Austerlitz down to the matchless autumn of 1870!

Matchless is our opportunity—matchless also is our responsibility!

Bentham found the 'matchless constitution' precisely in this state.

It was a 192 matchless June day, in a perfect English summer.

"Unbridled audacity is in him united with matchless cunning," they said.

Heaven preserve my adored, my matchless, ever-to-be-loved Clementina.

It is a long wild ride, a cruel gallop for my matchless Moro.