Mechanic [noun]
Definition of Mechanic:
Opposite/Antonyms of Mechanic:
Sentence/Example of Mechanic:
In a moment more he returned with a small man in a mechanic's blouse.
No mechanic has a set of customers so trustworthy as God and the elements.
The mechanic who works at the bench may possess it, as well as the clergyman or the peer.
But the Highlander had resources in these seasons which the mechanic has not.
Stan saw at once that the mechanic had been trying to fit the machinery together.
Except for the mechanic, it is said, there is now no demand.
His wage, as a mechanic, had never exceeded two seventy-five a day.
He was a mechanic, brought along under some duress to service the machine.
To him their volumes are as new tools to the mechanic, or new machinery to the manufacturer.
The series will appeal to handicraftsmen in the industrial and mechanic arts.