Mesdames [noun]

Definition of Mesdames:

a title of address

Synonyms of Mesdames:

Opposite/Antonyms of Mesdames:


Sentence/Example of Mesdames:

But tonight, mesdames, I know that the Republic is at fault.

True, all true, mesdames and messieurs—I have been your fellow-traveller myself.

Mesdames, so kind of you not to forget the most sincere of your servants.

I have known you only a short time, mesdames, but, thank heaven!

Let us go, mesdames, said Edouard, let us leave this house at once!

Moreover, mesdames, allow me to tell you that you know nothing about it.

"Do not trouble yourselves so much, Mesdames," said the notary.

Mesdames, do not go to the baths, and do not do there what I need not name!

You are not accustomed to it, mesdames, you will have many others!

You understand, mesdames, that it is simply a figure of speech.