Minimalist [adjective]

Definition of Minimalist:

no more than required

Synonyms of Minimalist:

Opposite/Antonyms of Minimalist:

Sentence/Example of Minimalist:

It’s no coincidence that, as our world gets more polluted, the minimalist aesthetic has become more popular.

As for whether this minimalist approach is really enough to optimize strength gains, the question reminds me of the epidemiological data suggesting that you can get “most” of the benefits of running by doing as little as five minutes a day.

Although the soundtrack is electronic and minimalist, the overall vibe is Disney fairy-tale musical.

In November, he moved out of his Colonial home in Richmond and relocated to a small, minimalist house in Georgia designed by his fiancee, simplicity expert Zoë Kim, author of “Minimalism for Families.”

The two tramps in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, placed on a minimalist stage without time and without space, waiting interminably for the mysterious Godot, capture our bafflement with the meaning of existence.

A system with this capability also eliminates the need for a separate smart speaker for your TV area or living room altogether, which is a plus if you’re trying to save space or retain a minimalist sense of decor.

She regards the barefoot running industry as an insult—an attempt to profit off a misconception that the Tarahumara run with minimalist sandals because of alleged performance benefits, rather than out of necessity.

There are six sizes and the clips come in multiple colors each with a minimalist design.