Ministries [noun]

Definition of Ministries:

the functions of the clergy

Synonyms of Ministries:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ministries:


Sentence/Example of Ministries:

It would not have done to have had any strife between the two ministries.

They are in advance of Parliament and Ministries on this subject.

Begin with the simplest of all ministries—breaking of bread to the poor.

For the Duke had belonged to ministries for nearly the last half century.

He asserted his power most often in ministries of retribution.

I don't care; I shall have Ministries and other people obliged to me.

It is in the nature of Ministries to survive in spite of their inclinations.

Ministries tended at times to develop a spirit of independence.

The ministries did function in a way, despite the chaos about them.

Ministries were formed at his bidding, and cabinets accepted his control.