Minuting [verb]
Definition of Minuting:
write down
Sentence/Example of Minuting:
He was in his dressing-gown, and he had his watch before him, with which he was minuting the boiling of some eggs.
I dare say there was a vast amount of minuting, memoranduming, and despatch-boxing, on this mighty subject.
Words related to Minuting:
● Minuting
● 1/4
● Aak
● Abbreviator
● Abc
● Accent
● Accounts
● Accurate
● Achieve
● Achieved
● Acinous
● Act
● Acta
● Acts
● Acuminulate
● Acute
● Acy
● Ad unguem
● Adsorb
● After
● Air cell
● Air mile
● Airbrush
● Ala
● Aleurone
● Alex
● All
● Allot
● Allotted
● Alternation
● Ameba
● Americium
● Amoeba
● Amorphism
● Amorphous
● Ampere hour
● Amphiuma
● Analog
● Anaphylaxis
● Anastatica hierochuntica
● Anatomize
● Anatomy
● Anaxagoras
● Ancylus fluviatilis
● Andy
● Anguillula aceti
● Angular
● Animalcule
● Anon
● Ant
● Ante
● Any
● Anytime
● Aphid
● Arcminute
● Arcsecond
● Areola
● Arrive
● Arrived
● Arriving
● Artery
● Ascidian
● Ask
● Asparagus
● Aspergillus
● Astatine
● Ato
● Atom
● Atomic
● Atomic number 88
● Atomic number 94
● Atomical
● Atomism
● Atomist
● Atomization
● Atoms
● Atomy
● Atopic allergy
● Atopy
● Attack
● Attenuation
● Average
● Await
● Awaits
● Awhile
● Awlwort
● Azolla
● Baby
● Baguette
● Ball
● Bannister
● Barbicel
● Barbule
● Barney oldfield
● Basidium
● Bear grass
● Beat
● Beats
● Before
● Bell
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- Phrases beginning with J
- Phrases beginning with K
- Phrases beginning with L
- Phrases beginning with M
- Phrases beginning with N
- Phrases beginning with O
- Phrases beginning with P
- Phrases beginning with Q
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Word Book
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