Monogamy [noun]

Definition of Monogamy:

legal joining of two people; a union

Opposite/Antonyms of Monogamy:

Sentence/Example of Monogamy:

To resume, monogamy is by far the most widespread form of marriage.

(c) Does it not tend towards, and is it not fostered by, monogamy?

Then they need desperately to know, "What is the case for monogamy?"

What has monogamy or polygamy or polyandry to do with this matter?

Monogamy was encouraged, and the idea of home came into being.

There are moral advantages in monogamy that alone are sufficient to insure its permanence.

What, is this the monogamy we have been making such a flourish about?

Hence we have monogamy for wives and mistresses in general, and polygamy for men.

Now, now, Judge, monogamy is just as extinct as knee-breeches.

The last few days I have been thinking a great deal about monogamy.