Monopolizes [verb]

Definition of Monopolizes:

dominate, control

Synonyms of Monopolizes:

Opposite/Antonyms of Monopolizes:

Sentence/Example of Monopolizes:

I cannot rob you of your maid and also be selfish enough to monopolize these rooms.

It enabled him to monopolize almost everything else that was pleasant or superb.

It was their dominion, and their prerogative therefore to monopolize them.

The aristocracy of office endeavours to monopolize the State-machine.

Harry did not monopolize the Tristram blood or the Tristram pride.

In conversation he did not tend to declaim or monopolize the talk.

If a boot-black, make up your mind to monopolize the business on your block.

And a moderate newspaper need not monopolize a whole evening.

So that the Continent did not monopolize the assassins of that time.

You cannot monopolize theaters while there are bricks and mortar.