Motherly [adjective]

Definition of Motherly:


Synonyms of Motherly:

Opposite/Antonyms of Motherly:


Sentence/Example of Motherly:

The landlady looked at him in a motherly way and shook her head.

But Alice was supposed to be a widow; and Alice was so meek, so docile, so motherly.

She looked at Good Indian afterward, studying his face with motherly solicitude.

I came down and threw myself, repentant and wretched, into her motherly arms.

"Sweetheart, you mustn't fret," she soothed, in motherly fashion.

She removed his clothes too, bullying him in a motherly way.

Moreover, she communicated her tidings with all sorts of motherly precautions.

Madame Raquin had formed quite a motherly affection for him.

Lulla's beloved nurse is a motherly woman, older than most of our workers.

She looked so sweet and motherly that I let her do so, and as we walked along we talked.