Motioned [noun]

Definition of Motioned:

movement, action

Synonyms of Motioned:

Opposite/Antonyms of Motioned:

Sentence/Example of Motioned:

It was incumbent upon Mr. Gladstone to lead the opposition to this motion.

July 4, 1864, Mr. Disraeli brought forward his motion of "no confidence."

Mr. Disraeli's motion was lost, and the ministry was sustained.

He could not see how Mr. Roebuck's motion could be resisted.

Every motion in his great soul was reflected in his face and form.

It might have been better had I confined myself to seconding the motion.

He determined on the latter, and put his four troops of cavalry in motion.

But light and motion and a grand future are waiting for such as he.

And in the sphere of thought, no less than in the sphere of time, motion is no more.

His motion was carried, and he himself was nominated as one of the commissioners.