Movables [noun]

Definition of Movables:

household property

Synonyms of Movables:

Opposite/Antonyms of Movables:


Sentence/Example of Movables:

The horses were ready to start, and the movables were packed.

At last the slow fisherman had gathered up all his movables and was walking away.

He demanded all their gold, silver, movables, and barbarian slaves.

I will give an inventory of all the movables of this republic, for the edification of the curious.

A hackney-coach always appeared to us the most quiescent of movables.

On the next day he took a survey of all Darius' money and movables.

There was a bedstead or state-bed built in, but of the movables no record is left.

With the present he sent 209 the message that she could have the movables if she paid the debts.

The movables on any ground are houses, trees, and any vegetables planted.

Thieves, or others, had long since accounted for all movables.