Mushes [noun]

Definition of Mushes:

boiled meal

Synonyms of Mushes:

Opposite/Antonyms of Mushes:


Sentence/Example of Mushes:

Mush of acorn meal which I had left in my pot had been eaten.

Furthermore, the mush of “vegetables” surrounding the house was more than fulfilled.

And his head ain't all mush and seeds like a pumpkin, if I'm any judge.

It means just moonshine and mush and lookin' into each other's eyes, that's about all.

He is probably an edifying spectacle by this time, a mush of maudlin penitence.

"He says its a five days' 'mush' from here," interpreted Gibbs.

Our diet was simple, and the mush pot was a great factor in our home life.

Extra piles and piles of mush I should judge because it was Christmas Day!

"Oh, of course, mush was what they were intended to have," admitted Flame.

We ate hominy, mush, grits and pone bread for the most part.