Naively [adverb]

Definition of Naively:


Synonyms of Naively:

Opposite/Antonyms of Naively:


Sentence/Example of Naively:

"Because I've been out," she said naively and laughed again.

He was naively earnest as he told us of his coming conquest.

"But I might not be always quite right, you know," she said naively.

Afterward Nan confessed, naively, that she ought to have known he was her Uncle Henry.

He showed off his charms before her as naively as a cock-grouse.

"That's just what I've often thought myself," said Phyllis naively.

He is grossly ignorant of life and naively curious about love.

John Hanks naively observes, that "happiness was the end of life with him."

This,” he says naively enough, “I have not been able to prove.

He was astonished, naively, and he suffered from her antipathy to them.